What is a European Health Insurance Card?
A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), formerly known as e111, is an issued free card. The card came into use on June 1, 2004, to 2005. There are the UK-EHIC and the regular EHIC, both act as the same card. The card ensures anyone to receive medical treatment at little to no cost. The validity of the card is dependent on the country and who issued it. The card allows people to stay in the country without concern of leaving for medical attention. It will not cover those who come just for medical treatments. The European Health Insurance Card does not cover any form of dental treatments. The card also covers what is covered by the visiting country. Travelers would still need a form of travelers insurance. The insurance card does replace documentation. The medical forms are E110, E111, E119, and E128. E110 medical document was for international road haulers. E11 document was for tourist and the E119 was for the unemployed and job hunters. E128 is for students and workers from another member state. On January 1, the card became one of the only healthcare documents.
How to Apply, Renew, and Replace a European Health Insurance Card
Applying for a card is free of charge but this solely based on the websites themselves. A traveler can apply through an official website or unofficial website. Cards that been issued by the United Kingdom would only be valid until March 29, 2019. For new applications who are international would have to fill out a different application form than the United Kingdom and European citizens. The application process requires people over sixteen to apply. Travelers who are sixteen or younger must have a parent or guardian apply for them. New card appliers need to activate their account through their email. The user would receive their card within 7 days if they used the official website for the card. For those in need of a card, renewal would have to go to their accounts to do it. The user must do this before the expiration date occurs. The card will renew for another six months after the renewal process. Cardholders who lost, had their card stolen, or damaged would have call, email, or write to the NHS for help. Depending on if you are of United Kingdom residency, a resident within the EEA or if the holder is international the information would vary.
Who is Eligible for Obtaining the Insurance Card?
Those who are eligible for the European Health Insurance Card are pensioners who reside in a different country. It applies to pensioners living in the United Kingdom receiving money from a different member state. Students who are studying abroad, an employee, a person working away from their home country, whoever works or lives in multiple countries and people who are not EEA or Swiss National are applicable for the card.