Losing weight does not wholly depend on exercises and diet because some instances can cause weight gain but this changes from one individual to the other. Medical situations can also dictate how one loses weight because certain conditions can trigger an increase in body weight. Several weight loss supplements (see Leptitox review) can solve the situation, and perfectly substitutes dieting and exercising. Also, several non-experts prefer calorie counting and it seems to work for them. All the methods differ depending on how much weight one intends to lose because dieting can take longer before reliable results can be obtained.
Even though diet management seems less effective, several things can contribute to drastic weight loss over time. Sugars, carbohydrates and starches are the main contributors to weight gain, and so cutting on them can help to manage weight. Once you do that, you lower the hunger levels and so end up consuming fewer calories. This sets the body to break down the stored fats in search of energy leading to overall weight loss. Cutting carbs also facilitates a reduction in insulin levels, and this ensures the kidneys shed the extra water and sodium, meaning that unnecessary bloating and water weight does not occur. Every meal should have low carbs, a fat and a protein source, and this balanced meal should be taken thrice a day, and even a fourth meal can be taken if necessary. These meals cut down on carbohydrate intake by a certain capacity, and the results of weight loss will be seen within a week or two. Eating proteins ensures a given percentage expenditure of calories, and so weight loss will happen over time. Again high-protein meals can reduce the obsessive thoughts or cravings for food during the day, or even snacks since they make you feel satisfied. Vegetables can also help in weight loss since they are low in carbs, some fats are also low calories, and one should not fear to eat them.