Hemp Oil Is The “Pharmaceutical Free” Answer To Pain Management
Even if you’ve never tried Cannabis in any form, chances are you have heard of THC and its derivative, CBD. Don’t let the unknown prevent you from giving it a try, millions of others just like you who hesitated are now pain free. CBD is derived from special strains of marijuana that have had all the “buzz factor” bred out of them. There is a world of difference between marijuana grown for recreational uses as compared to being grown for the purpose of producing CBD. This alternative to prescription meds or potions will not get you “high” nor will it give you the “munchies,” it will however, control your pain.
What Is It That Makes CBD Do What It Does?
CBD and THC are only two out of 60 compounds (known as cannabinoids) found in the Cannabis plant. Of those 60, CBD and THC are the most concentrated. Since the late 80s science has known that all mammals have an endocannabinoid system with millions of cannabinoid receptors found mainly in the brain and central nervous system. Now, decades later the positive data regarding CBD and its medicinal value to man is so well documented the question isn’t will it help, but what took so long?
CBD derivatives show their natural, neuroprotective value by lowering oxidative stress, and preventing neruodegradation. Conditions associated with oxidation such as arthritis, gastric ulcers, or Crohn’s disease among many others have been improved by the use of CBD. It has even been credited with slowing down the production of glutamate, thereby protecting brain cells and lowering the chance of ischemic damage.
What Is CBD Ordinarily Used For?
The most common use for CBD is pain management without the nasty side effects associated with too many pharmaceuticals. Simply put, research has proven that CBD activates the same area of the brain that an opioid would and deadens pain-sensations. It has also been noted to have a beneficial effect on certain skin conditions such as acne. Naturally occurring chemicals in CBD act as anti-inflammatories by lowering the bodies production of sebocytes which in turn helps reduce inflammation. Daily, the list of uses for CBD grows longer while the need for pharmaceuticals grows less.
As many of us know, for every illness you take a pill for, chances are you then need something else to control its side-effects. Before adding the best cbd oil to your medicine box, talk to your Doctor. Any single compound that is known to help nausea, combat psychoses, anxiety, depression, or neurodegenerative disorders, suppress seizures, ease joint pain, and fight cancer cells is well worth looking into.